438. Bristol, UK.

Hmm, perhaps it is a "side-portrait", but it's my blog and I say it's a "back-portrait".

Huh.. A "side-portrait" that would be stupid. I'm sure Admiral Ackbar would agree with me... (took me half an hour to get that name!)

437.Bristol, UK.

436. Bristol, UK.

435.Bristol, UK.

434. Ashburton, UK.

Ashburton, UK

434. Reading, UK.

433. Bristol, UK.

432. Bristol, UK.

431. Bristol, UK.

430. Bristol, UK.

430. Bristol, UK.

429. Bristol, UK.

429. Bristol, UK

428. Bristol, UK.

428.Bristol, UK

427. Bristol, UK.

427. Bristol, UK.

Opps, Safari crashed yet again. I should try firefox, but that means transferring all my bookmarks and passwords. I got halfway and got bored. So only myself to blame really. Safari sucks, don't think of switching. Flock still doesn't work properly, so i won't be using that again, good idea just not in practise. Keeping Firefox for the stumble upon extension, it's great. Find here: http://www.stumbleupon.com/

426. Bristol, UK.

Bristol, UK.

425. Bristol, UK.

425.Bristol, UK

424. Bristol, UK.

424. Bristol, UK.

423. Bristol, UK.

423.Bristol, Uk

Don't tell me I told you so, but Safari still doesn't work right with Blogger, it takes several attempt to get it to recognise the title box for posting. Flock doesn't work very well either. Has Blogger and Flickr changed things again? Or do the browsers just suck? Wait, Firefox has the same problem. Oh.. Have to put the cursor slightly higher than normal, odd.
I really fucking hate apple powerbooks right now. If there was a real alternative I'd switch, but I hate Windows. Although if Microsoft can implement their new multi-touch concepts right (doubtful) I'd switch. I'm tired of buying Mac hardware lemons. It would be nice to buy one that didn't fuck up within 3 years. It would be nice if an ipod would last at least 2 years too. Can no tech companies deliver machines that work? I was thinking of getting an Xbox 360, but around 30% failure rate put a stop to that, even with a 3 year warranty, it still means sending it in for repair all the time...hmm, it would be like owning a Apple laptop... I maybe daft to still continue buying macs and ipods, but I'm not so daft I'd buy a PS3 though! What a rip-off! And I wonder if the Wii will ever have more than 10 games worth buying? Sorry, I'm gibbering now.

422. Bristol, UK.

422. Bristol, UK.

421. Bristol, UK.

Bristol, UK.